When writing the "Ante Up for Gold Member" page, and some things we could do with a bit of help (advertising campaign, hire a decent programmer, a television jingle, start the future measuring gadget) we started to wonder what we could offer as a promo for your donation.
How about a coffee mug? (Heavy to ship and not relevant.)
A cute-sy key chain? (Meh.)
Other useless garbage? (No.)
How about.... a datebook for people to keep track of unexplained events?!
(Good for regular events too!)
Small, pocket-sized monthly date book
(click pic to enlarge)
Larger, hand-held weekly datebook
(click pic to enlarge)
These sleek little books have durable covers, dark in color, with our logo tastefully imprinted on the front. We'll also throw in one of those cool click-able promo pens with our name. This is not so much a sale, as a THANKS for your donation. But we wanted to offer our patrons something useful.
We can offer them as gifts for donations of either $10 or $15.
Yes, of course your donation bumps you up to Gold Member.
And your little (one-time) donation is important. It not only offsets our overhead but allows us to proceed with more marketing to gain bigger traction for the project, and maybe hire a professional to kick this website into better shape. And wouldn't it be GREAT to be watching TV and see our jingle? Yeah, that would be great. Imagine how many people we could get to fill out the survey THEN!
How to get an APP datebook?? When you donate just choose the option to have the gift sent to you. (Easy!) By the way, we can promise to never sell, give, or purposefully disclose anyone's information. Your CC info NEVER comes to us, as it goes through the PayPal system.
Donate $20 or $45 and get a datebook (& click-pen)
This is a ONE-TIME donation!
(But your Gold Membership has no expiration)
THANKS, for real. Your gift will help us get a step closer to achieving our goals, some of which are listed above, like advertising for participants and hiring experts and engineers. Gold membership (and that nifty Gold nameplate) means you want to see this project succeed.
Your donation can be of any size, whatever suits your interest and budget.
For $2 or more you'll be bumped up to Gold Member.
For $20 or more you'll be bumped up to Gold Member and get a neat little calendar book.
For $45 or more you'll be bumped up to Gold Member and get a bigger, sturdier datebook/planner and click-pen.
(one-time PayPal donation)
Thank You!
It is currently Mon Feb 03, 2025 8:57 pm
Get a Calendar-Journal Book!
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- ↳ Ante Up
- ↳ Ante Up
- Welcome
- ↳ Welcome to The Aster-P Project!
- Deliverables
- ↳ APP Deliverables
- ↳ Study #1 (recent paranormal claims)
- ↳ FEEDBACK - About Study #1
- ↳ FEEDBACK - ALL STUDY MATERIALS, Full paper and sources download
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Front Matter
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Abstract & Significance
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Introduction
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Method
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Results and Discussion
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Conclusion
- ↳ FEEDBACK - References
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Appendix 1 - All Tables
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Appendix 2 - Fear Reports, Isolated
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Appendix 3 - Measurable Reports Examination
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Appendix 4 - Remarkable Reports Examination
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Appendix 5 - All Reports, All Variables
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Appendix 6 - Draft Outreach Plan
- ↳ FEEDBACK - Acknowledgements
- ↳ Miscellaneous Feedback
- ↳ Study #2 (directed public survey)
- ↳ Study #3 (post review)
- ↳ Study #4 (best claims)
- ↳ Practical Field-Guide Book #1
- ↳ Prototype: PS APParatus
- ↳ Study #5 (TBA)
- The Impasse
- ↳ Why Science Rejects the Paranormal
- ↳ 2. Scientific Revolution
- ↳ 3. Misunderstanding Science
- ↳ 4. Paranormal Rejects Science
- ↳ 5. Hoaxes
- ↳ 6. Failed Studies
- ↳ 7. The Amazing Randi
- ↳ 8. Bad Science
- ↳ 9. Echo Chambers
- ↳ What's Your Opinion?
- ↳ Can the Paranormal Be Proven?
- ↳ Good Science
- ↳ 2. Critical Thinking
- ↳ 3. CT - Next Level
- ↳ 4. Vet Your Sources
- ↳ 5. "Do Your Own Research"
- ↳ 6. Methodology is Key
- ↳ 7. The Scientific Method
- ↳ 8. Replication - Or it Didn't Happen
- ↳ 9. Peer Review Can Be Brutal
- ↳ 10. Journals
- ↳ What's Your Opinion?
- Debunking Help
- ↳ Debunking - Self Help
- ↳ 1. Start Here
- ↳ 2. Air Quality
- ↳ 3. Infrasound
- ↳ 4. EMF
- ↳ 5. Drafts
- ↳ 6. Home Surveillance Systems
- ↳ 7. Movement
- ↳ 8. Psychology
- ↳ 9. Shadows
- ↳ 10. When Self-Debunking Fails
- ↳ Measuring Equipment
- Methodology - Theoretical
- ↳ Scientific Methodology Forums and *Panels*
- ↳ Methodology About
- ↳ About the Methodology Forums
- ↳ About the Methodology *Panels*
- ↳ Methodology APP Studies
- ↳ APPMF#3 - Study #1
- ↳ APPMF#4 - Study #2
- ↳ Methodology - Debunking - How to Measure
- ↳ MF#1 - What Components (normal thresholds) Affect a Micro-Environment?
- ↳ MF#2 - General Guidelines for Solving "Unknown" Events
- ↳ MF#3 - How to Evaluate Indoors - Visual Events
- ↳ MF#4 - How to Evaluate Indoors - Audio Events
- ↳ MF#5 - How to Evaluate Indoors - Moved Objects
- ↳ MF#6 - How to Evaluate Indoors - Body Feelings - Physical or Emotional
- ↳ MF#7 - How to Evaluate Indoors - Menacing Creatures
- ↳ MF#8 - How to Evaluate Indoors - Distressed babies and animals
- ↳ MF#9 - Sleep Disturbances / Sleep Paralysis
- ↳ MF#10 - Less Common: Video Call and Voice Mail Anomalies
- ↳ MF#11 - How to Evaluate Psychic Matters
- ↳ MF#12 - How to Evaluate Outdoors - Cryptids
- ↳ MF#13 - How to Evaluate Outdoors - UFOs and Abductions
- ↳ MF#14 - Electrical Disturbances / SLI
- ↳ Methodology *Panels*
- ↳ Panel#1 - Best Paranormal Claims Review
- ↳ Panel#2 - Past Claims Review Panel
- ↳ Panel#3 - Engineering the **PS APParatus**
- ↳ Panel #4 - Informal Claims Crew
- ↳ Methodology APP Effectiveness
- ↳ APPMF#1 - Peer Review: APP Effectiveness
- ↳ APPMF#2 - Biggest Obstacle to APP's Objective?
- ↳ Methodology APP Courses
- ↳ APP Courses
- ↳ About APP Courses
- ↳ APP-102
- ↳ APP-105
- ↳ APP-202
- ↳ APP-205
- ↳ APP-301
- ↳ APP-305
- Methodology - In Field
- ↳ In-Field Investigators' General Discussion
- ↳ About Investigator Methodology
- ↳ What Do You Need or Want?
- ↳ Biggest Obstacles to Evidence
- ↳ Anything Withstand Debunking?
- ↳ Best Case Methodology for Re-Testing
- ↳ Compare Best Practices
- ↳ Specializing
- ↳ Questions for Skeptics
- ↳ What's Your Opinion?
- ↳ In-Field Investigators' Methodology
- ↳ Blue Print for Methodology
- ↳ Parameters for Measuring Indoors
- ↳ Parameters for Measuring Outdoors
- ↳ Skeptical Certification
- Best Claims
- ↳ Best Paranormal Claims Review
- ↳ Details of the Case
- ↳ The Take-Away
- Paranormal Library
- ↳ Paranormal Library - Categories
- ↳ Abductions
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Abductions
- ↳ EXPERTS: Abductions
- ↳ Animal Related
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Animal
- ↳ EXPERTS: Animal
- ↳ Black-Eyed-Kids
- ↳ Anecdotes: Black-Eyed-Kids
- ↳ Experts: Black-Eyed-Kids
- ↳ Crop Circles
- ↳ Anecdotes: Crop Circles
- ↳ Experts: Crop Circles
- ↳ Cryptid
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Cryptid
- ↳ EXPERTS: Cryptid
- ↳ Dreams - After Life
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Dreams - AL
- ↳ EXPERTS: Dreams - AL
- ↳ Dreams - Astral Projection
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Dreams - AP
- ↳ EXPERTS: Dreams - AP
- ↳ Dreams - Premonitions
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Dreams - Prem
- ↳ EXPERTS: Dreams - Prem
- ↳ Doppelgangers
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Doppelgangers
- ↳ EXPERTS: Doppelgangers
- ↳ Electrical Disturbances / SLI
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Electrical Disturbances
- ↳ EXPERTS: Electrical Disturbances
- ↳ Elementals
- ↳ Anecdotes: Elementals
- ↳ Experts: Elementals
- ↳ ESP
- ↳ Glitch in Matrix
- ↳ Mediums
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Mediums
- ↳ EXPERTS: Mediums
- ↳ Men in Black
- ↳ Anecdotes: Men in Black
- ↳ Experts: Men in Black
- ↳ Missing 411
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Missing 411
- ↳ EXPERTS: Missing 411
- ↳ Moved Objects
- ↳ Anecdotes: Moved Objects
- ↳ Experts: Moved Objects
- ↳ Movement
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Movement
- ↳ EXPERTS: Movement
- ↳ Reincarnation
- ↳ Anecdotes: Reincarnation
- ↳ Shadows
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Shadows
- ↳ EXPERTS: Shadows
- ↳ Spirits - Harmless
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Spirits - Harmless
- ↳ EXPERTS: Spirits - Harmless
- ↳ Spirits - Malevolent
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Spirits - Malevolent
- ↳ EXPERTS: Spirits - Malevolent
- ↳ Time Travel
- ↳ ANECDOTES: Time Travel
- ↳ EXPERTS: Time Travel
- ↳ UFO
- ↳ ** Suggest a Category
- Journal-ing
- ↳ APP Journal-ing
- Goofing Off
- ↳ Goofing Off
- ↳ Best "People" Performances
- ↳ Best Musical Performances
- ↳ Free, no-BS games
- ↳ Best of the Internet - Memes and EXCEPTIONALLY Cool Pics
- ↳ Oddly Satisfying
- ↳ Knock-Knock (Dad Jokes)
- ↳ Jokes - You Laugh You Lose (NSFW)
- General Discussion
- ↳ General Discussion Forums
- ↳ Current Problem?
- ↳ Past Problem?
- ↳ Skeptic Vent
- ↳ Suggestions for The Project
- ↳ Off Topic