For real. Bad air can cause straight-up mass hallucinations (visual and auditory).
But MY thing seems SO REAL
Check out the famous story of the "H" family from 1912, and the reason behind the Salem Witch Trials. Those were real too. Both cases were from bad environmental conditions.
Here is a good EASY, SHORT entertaining read from a guy in the Chicago area who does environmental testing. It's a good article, plus it demonstrates that in addition to home kits (for carbon monoxide, mold, etc) for additional peace of mind you could call a professional company like this (in your local area) to come test your home.
- 100-Year-Old Haunted House Mystery Solved By Professor And Ophthalmologist
- A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials; One town’s strange journey from paranoia to pardon
Air Quality Matters
In general, not even considering the paranormal, air quality matters.
To further drive home this point, let's take a DEEP DIVE and go off on a tangent for a minute.
(Vetting sources AND relevant content)
Here are two articles on the same thing, and this is also a good example also of how to vet sources. (Good Science - Vet Your Sources)
Here is the headline, conclusion, and link, from a reputable newspaper source, about a scientific study:
Psychotic episodes including hallucinations and paranoia linked to air pollution in groundbreaking UK study
Teenagers who live in cities plagued by high air pollution are more likely to report hearing voices, suffer from paranoia, and other psychotic experiences, according to groundbreaking study.
Researchers from King’s College London (KCL) said that while they could not prove dirty air was causing the episodes, they had factored out other potential causes such as crime, deprivation, inherited mental illness, smoking, drinking and drug use.
They were unable to rule out the possibility the phenomenon may be driven by some other characteristic of life in more air-polluted areas which was not accounted for in the study, such as louder traffic noise, which can disrupt sleep and cause stress.
It is accepted that people living in cities have higher rates of psychosis, but the reasons for this are poorly understood.
Now look at the original JOURNAL article's headline, conclusion, and link, for that study:
Association of Air Pollution Exposure With Psychotic Experiences During Adolescence
From the paper's conclusion:
In this study, air pollution exposure—particularly NO2 and NOx—was associated with increased odds of adolescent psychotic experiences, which partly explained the association between urban residency and adolescent psychotic experiences. Biological (eg, neuroinflammation) and psychosocial (eg, stress) mechanisms are plausible.
NOTE ON VETTING SOURCES: You can see how information gets shifted around between sources, even when they're talking about THE SAME THING. Each has to write toward its intended audience. Regular people don't want to read the fine points of laboratory study. Researchers need to see those details, and no fluff whatsoever. This just makes the point to track down your sources to their roots, if you can, just to see what's been lost in translation (because it's inevitable).
(or mini dive if you're picky)
Back to the original point, AIR QUALITY MATTERS.
Considering the Paranormal
Recall the chart of science's explanations for paranormal activity.
(highlighted ones are measurable)
Two of these are air-quality issues, mold and carbon monoxide.
Toxic mold is a thing. It could be in your walls, basement, floorboards from spilled bathroom activities.
Yeah, it's not something we think about often because it's unpleasant. You don't even have to smell or see it, for it to be there. And if you DO smell or see it... you should get expert help immediately. Aside from paranormal, it's horrible and truly terrible for your body.
Carbon Monoxide is a killer thing too, and actually not so uncommon! But again you'd never notice it without a specific test, because you can't see or smell it. Here is a comprehensive look at CO.
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Dangers, Detection, Response, and Poisoning (AEN-193)
Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
These things are more common than people think.
The American Lung Association has a nice page, that is a fun read but still comprehensive. Check it out:
Cheap Home Test Kits
So now you're convinced. But what can you do?
Luckily, tests do exist and they can be inexpensive. You can get any of a variety of at-home test kits for as little as $10 (give or take) at Amazon or Home Depot, or your favorite hardware store if those are still a (glorious) thing.
Air Quality Gadgets
The next logical step is Gadgets, because there is a truly wondrous assortment of gadgets available on the mass market.
(Especially a nice little $30 handheld AQI meter that has great reviews on Amazon. And no we don't get a commission.)
Keep in mind each kind of gadget has its own forum based on the environmental issue.
The two best gadgets, from a cursory review, are that $30 handheld model and a $300 really fancy 9-in-1 environmental monitor with data logging. (Nice!!!) But read the reviews on both. It's interesting what people say they've discovered with these gadgets.
(These are just examples we DO NOT get any commission or anything. Though.... it probably would be a good idea to fund-raise toward some advertising for the project.)
The $30 model
The $300 model
The Amazon result list for "Best-Sellers-Industrial-Scientific-Indoor-Air-Quality-Meters"
Things to Consider, About AQ Gadgets
There are quite a few things to test in the environment, actually. And for each of those, the meter will measure to a certain threshold. Besides sheer number of features/sensors, the instrument's thresholds are most of what makes one model more expensive than another. Particulates are often mentioned in parts per million (PPM). Expensive models are more likely to have lower (higher?) thresholds, meaning it can pick up finer traces of the substance in question. Environmental components have different qualities and safe thresholds. It can get complicated fast. We look forward to expert opinion on this.
There is a case to be made for a more professional gadget that has a big display monitor that can be seen if the cameras kick on. This can be difficult though, as most devices turn dark if not "in use" even if it is doing a background operation.
It's a lot better to have your gadget stationary, and mounted if you can. This prevents any movement so you can count on a consistent base for when you start trying to debunk anomalies.
Finally, instead of a batter-operated gadget, consider a plug-in. With the way "ghosts" are reported to drain batteries, this just makes sense. (Yes, skeptics, we hear you out there laughing and hope it is good-natured.)
QUICK LINKS for Debunking Self-Help
1. Start Here
2. Air Quality
3. Infrasound
4. EMF
5. Drafts
6. Home Surveillance Systems
7. Movement
8. Psychology
9. Shadows
10. When Self-Debunking Fails
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