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1. Start Here - Debunking Help

See an overview of science's top answers for "paranormal" events. The rest of the subforums here will explore each of those "top answers." If you have a PAST ISSUE, please consider posting it in the PARANORMAL ANECDOTE LIBRARY.
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1. Start Here - Debunking Help

Post by Aster-P »

What's Going On?

Sorry to hear you're having troubles!!!

Most often when people say "debunking" it is for ghosts, UFOs, creatures, and ESP. That's a lot of different kinds of things. In this section we'll look at the most common paranormal complaint: disturbances in the home.

Here are sources' lists of the top scientific answers for "paranormal" events:

(highlighted ones are measurable)

Scientific American: Six Possible Scientific Reasons for Ghosts.
Live Science: Science of the Paranormal: Can You Trust Your Own Mind?
Popular Science: Why do we see ghosts?


Do these answers leave you flat? Us too. That's a big list of imaginary things, with only a few items that can be actually tested. But you know, there ARE those people people who just enjoy the drama. And there are certainly some people who are making honest mistakes about what they're experiencing.

We're here to help assist people who seem to have measurable disturbances, because not too many people are trying to help in that direction. Most paranormal help currently is either psychological or having a team of paranormal investigators document the issue.

Make a Plan

1. Plan and Research
2. Document
3. Control
4. Measure, Benchmark, Measure
5. Document
6. Compare Benchmarks
7. Replicate, Replicate, Replicate.

1. Plan and Research

Decide what your goals are. Some things can't be known or measured. Don't set unrealistic expectations. Look at the rest of the things on this list, and plan how to most effectively do those tasks in relation to your issue. If you get stuck, post a new message in the appropriate forum. We'll try to help.

Research: We're tempted to say you can't go wrong with research. But mind your sources, as you don't want to pick up bad information. That being said, Google is your friend. Learn as much as you can before you set your process. We have a separate section on "doing your own research"

2. Document

Document everything. We have made up a sample chart. Include as many details as you can, without filling in blanks with your imagination. (Human nature.) Here are a couple snapshots of the chart. (Click to enlarge.) It's available as a PDF too.

If you have multiple different issues going on, maybe have a grid-set for each type of event then record each instance of that type of event.

. Image


3. Control

The less variables you have in the mix, the easier time you will have figuring out anything. This is true of paranormal. A lot of paranormal reports are pretty good about this. People often list off all the ways they tried to explain a thing, before calling it paranormal. We get that, and feel you, and that's a big part of why we made this website and organization.

You might be surprised at the number of controls you can put on a situation, if you didn't know it already. This is not really easy to research so please feel free to post a new message (in the appropriate forum) and we'll rally some tips.

The goal is to have as few extra variables as possible.
  • Video running in an empty house with no pets and blackout curtains, is an example of a well-controlled environment. You can't always do that in real life though. In that case, video an area continuously so you can tell if anyone has been in that area.
  • The same hold for recording audio, but that's more difficult because the sound likely comes from out-of-view. You'd need to somehow verify ahead of time on a continuous video, that everyone is leaving the house and there are no electronic devices on that produce noise.
  • For movement you'd have to test for drafts and air pressure. You'd need benchmarks (a baseline measurement of the level of x when nothing unusual is happening) as well as instant readings when "something" happens.
  • Controlling for dreams, well we can't think of any way to control for that. That's on the "ask the experts" list.
  • Controlling for shadows would involve documenting and monitoring light sources, and any people/pets/devices that might affect the light in the room, and taking constant measurements of the light levels. (There are meters for this like with the other facets, which we explore in the rest of this forum.)
NOTE: We're working on a Micro-Envorinment Testing APParatus (META 1) that would help with these controls and readings. We're also working on a Field-Guide book for practical investigations.

4. Measure, Benchmark, Measure

Basically that. It's boring. You have to measure in exact intervals, or constantly, and do not change any variable without making a note. Try not to allow any variables to change anyway (see above) because it's more work to rule things out.

5. Document

Document all those measurements. That's how you figure your benchmarks (levels that are "usual" for that environment).

6. Compare Benchmarks

Comparing measurement levels against benchmarks can point to explanations. You may notice connects between changing levels, and other variables, so that all combined it has a random extra effect that you are noticing. Yeah, that's a lot of mental gymnastics. But so many different scenarios exist, it's tough to make a general statement that applies to everyone.

In short, once you start doing this you'll see the benefit for yourself.

7. Replicate, Replicate, Replicate.

We can't stress enough how important it is to (document) (measure) REPLICATE the event. Of course you probably can't control the event to happen on cue, or you would know what it is!

But try to document as many of these events as you can. That way you can get an idea of the totality of them. Do they all happen in the day and never at night? That's a lazy example but other things really become clear when you look at a whole list of "everything's the same" and notice that either one thing is different, or one variable happens to correspond with another certain variable. This really helps with #6 above.

Now That You Have a Plan, What Can Be Tested?

In the case of paranormal, science says it's (basically) imagination or else a natural thing that you simply don't understand. Therefore it should be easy to track down what is happening.

Video and other sensors can tell if it's your imagination or if something is really happening.

Measurable answers are highlighted in the chart above, and it's surprisingly easy to test the top scientific explanations YOURSELF:

◦ Low Frequency Sound – (free phone apps)
◦ Mold – ($8 kit at Home Depot)
◦ Carbon Monoxide – ($20 gadget at Home Depot)
◦ Drafts – ($15 gadget at Amazon)
◦ Electromagnetic Energy – ($30 gadget at Amazon)
◦ Video/Audio record securely with a $99 (Ring, Inc.) cam

Between phone apps and inexpensive test kits you can buy at Walmart, you can cover a lot of ground. The video aspect is a few bucks but what else can you do if you want to document an environment? There are many options for home security systems.

It gets more complicated after that. If you want to debunk, the primary concern is attention to detail.

Start With...
  • First, test your environment for air quality. (Section 2)
  • Second, test your environment for infra-sound, EMF, and drafts. (Sections 3, 4, 5)
  • Third, set up secure, mounted video to see if it's your imagination. (Section 6)

If Those Check Out Normal

Don't be embarrassed if you noticed an optical illusion. It happens. And illusions can be fun in the right setting. When it's a distressing thing, you want to figure out how to make it go away. Check out psychological explanations for paranormal, in section 8. (Jamie Farr, LOVE YA!)

If Something is Amiss

It's absolutely possible that something REALLY IS HAPPENING. The skeptical answer is that it's a perfectly normal cause, not a paranormal cause.

We can try to debunk your video further, in the community debunking forums.
  • If something is moving, we can narrow down what COULD be the cause and then eliminate each thing. (Section 7)
  • If it's a shadow, there are gadgets but it gets complicated fast. (Section 9)

If it's ongoing and observable, it can be debunked. (Or you will make history.)

These cats --> The Center For Inquiry (LOS ANGELES) <-- supposedly offer a $250,000 prize for proof of the paranormal.

QUICK LINKS for Debunking Self-Help

1. Start Here
2. Air Quality
3. Infrasound
4. EMF
5. Drafts
6. Home Surveillance Systems
7. Movement
8. Psychology
9. Shadows
10. When Self-Debunking Fails


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APP - Bringing More Science to the Paranormal

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