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Paranormal Investigators, Please READ ME

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Paranormal Investigators, Please READ ME

Post by Aster-P »

Hello Investigators!

We've all heard the stories about people being catty on the paranormal circuit.
We're not doing that here.

We're all working together. We all have a common goal. Things can be discussed and sussed, and we can find the best answer
for any particular issue without falling into emotional traps. Everybody is wrong sometimes. No need to be snarky or ashamed. Let's all just continually improve ourselves and work toward our common goal: Figuring out PRACTICAL answers for "paranormal" events.

If anyone is interested in a leadership position, please see our volunteers page.

Okay, so, WELCOME!

Personally I'm so excited to welcome you all here!! I've seen and heard lots of you! This little area of the forums is a safe refuge from skeptical scrutiny. Of course we promote science throughout, but you can test out theories here (among friends) before putting it in front of skeptics for them to skewer.

Please add your group's best cases to the Pre-Skeptic Workbench. You'll retain credit for running the case and you'll have the benefit of fresh eyes on your mystery.

Please consider joining one (or more) of the scientific methodology forums/panels. We need suggestions on common complaints and mysteries (not yet locations, just types of events for now in that section) that are ongoing, so we can leverage some engineers' opinions. We need your opinions (on different types of events) too, of course! But let's hear what the skeptics suggest for each thing.

Also here's a reminder that the project has in the works a practical self-debunking quick guide, a proprietary measurement apparatus, and an investigator's field guide book. Please feel free to add your input WHEREVER it may be of use to others.

Starting out, here is the structure of the PNI section:
(Any categories can be added to this list, just post your suggestion.)

--- In-Field Investigators' General Discussion
--------- About Investigator Methodology
--------- What Do You Need or Want?
--------- Biggest Obstacles to Evidence
--------- Anything Withstand Debunking?
--------- Best Case Methodology for Re-Testing
--------- Compare Best Practices
--------- Specializing
--------- Questions for Skeptics
--------- What's Your Opinion?
--- In-Field Investigators' Methodology
--------- Blue Print for Methodology
--------- Parameters for Measuring Indoors
--------- Parameters for Measuring Outdoors

You all are welcome to make suggestions for additions and improvement in the PNI section. Post your suggestions here in this thread. Modertaors can add new forum categories. If you want to be the moderator of a particular catgory (new or existing) or if you have suggestions, please post here.

One more thing.... my apologies for gaps and gaffes. I'm only human, no double-entendre intended. This is why we need your suggestions, if you have knowledge to share or if you see a way to improve our umbrella group here.



To thank you for reading, here's a cat.

. Yes, that is my cat in my profile pic. His name is Roofus. I got him as a kitten. A friend called me saying a kitten in his back yard was crying incessantly and it looked really young. I told him to go take care of it, like why are you telling me? Well he had no clue and was just going to leave it. He said he put a cardboard box out there and some food (dry) but it just kept sitting there crying. I gave him a few suggestions but he's acting like he can't be bothered with it. Well it was midnight and I figured it was going to get eaten by a raccoon, so I went over and got it. . Here he is the day I got him. (A few years ago.)
This all went down on a night when I was just starting my weekend at home from being a long-haul truck driver. Brought him home and set him up, but little buddy had no idea what to do with a can of Friskies cat food. He walked right over it, stepped his foot in it, crying the whole time like he was starving. He was so tiny, his eyes were still blue. I gave him milk and he wouldn't touch it, he just cried. I held him close and hummed to him, he got quiet for a minute and then back tro crying. Finally got him to lick the wet food at least. Same thing, that lasted only a few minutes and it was back to crying. Found out from my friend circle that goat's milk (canned) and kitten milk (powder like baby formula) are available at Walmart. (Who knew??) So I got him something he wanted to eat, and kept holding him close and humming to him. He was the saddest little guy. After his belly was full he just curled himself into a bundle with his head down. He didn't seem sleepy, he seemed sad. Who could blame him, being all alone outside, losing his family, and now being inside with only strange people.

Well by the time I was ready to climb back in the truck like 48 hours later, I had him a permanent residence in contact with me usually sitting in my lap but going on a walk with me whenever I moved around. He was starting to perk up and play a little. So I couldn't just up-and-leave him for a week. That would seem like forever to him, and he wouldn't understand why I left.

So I took him with me in the truck. I could tell lots of stories (about breaking down and being at the dealership and they made me remove him from the truck, or how he goes nuts at the wiper blades, or how our a/c was out all summer in the truck and we nearly baked to death, or him escaping while I was checking into a receiver and me not noticing but a switcher caught me before I could move so I could rescue him from underneath in the bottom frame rails of the trailer.) But we have other matters, paranormal matters, to discuss.
. -=-==-===-==-=- .
APP - Bringing More Science to the Paranormal

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