Thanks! We appreciate your offer. With a popular project will come lots of users, posts, and data. We sure could use some help sorting it all out and keeping it straight.
Volunteers will get bumped up to Gold Member for their donation of time.
You get a nifty set of extra menus so you can move or delete posts, and issue warnings. The responsibility is checking in regularly to keep relatively close watch over the forums you moderate.
More than watching for trouble, spam, or inappropriate content, is keeping on-topic. If a new post in a particular forum would be better suited to a different forum, the moderator will NOTICE that and move it to the more appropriate one. Then a polite comment would be added to the post, to note the change. Of course it helps if you're lightly familiar with the whole website and its categories/forums, but a read-though of the JumpBox (button usually below and to the right of any post) will show every single category and forum.
Good moderators:
- Check in often
- Make conversation because they like that forum's topics
- Often knowledgeable about that forum's topics (without arrogance)
- Are a good representative of the organization (can spell or will learn)
- Are FAIR and don't get drawn into petty squabbles (very important)
If there's a forum you particularly like, and want to become its moderator, drop us an email at
Please list the forum and a little background on why you're the right one for the position.
This subject has a ton of information, on both the science and paranormal sides. We would love to catalog it all, Wiki-style. Short of that, we expect an influx of paranormal claims and anecdotes.
Low-key gathering of information, data organization, looking for missing pieces of the topic then possible sources, up to general or academic writing, are all different parts of the organization we hope to achieve.
If there's a particular area of this subject that you would like to help organize, drop us an email at
Please list the topic and a little background on why you're the right one for the position.