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Wanted: Experts on Science/Skepticism and Paranormal

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Wanted: Experts on Science/Skepticism and Paranormal

Post by Aster-P »


Thanks! We appreciate your offer.

The Aster-P Project sees a disconnect between science and the paranormal, and endeavors to help close that gap. The statement does not imply that APP knows all. To the contrary, APP exists as a catalyst and organizational structure.
  • Paranormal experiencers are needed, if scientific experts are to have material from which to build methodological best practices.
  • Scientific experts are needed, if paranormal experiencers are to eventually find relief from prolific common disturbances.
  • Paranormal experts and investigators are in the unique position to potentially affect both the scientific and public components, en masse.
Volunteers will get bumped up to Gold Member for their donation of time.


Your role DOES NOT include babysitting. We look forward to your contributions (formal and informal) in the Methodology Discussions. Thanks!


Have you done years of research on a paranormal topic, yet had it roasted by Skeptics? (Loaded question - skeptics lambaste all paranormal.)

Paranormal experts won't be roasted here. Clearly APP is science-based, however we go about it in a friendly manner. That being said, it's important to note that skeptics and interested scientists are in a tough spot, considering the paranormal. The minute they take the paranormal seriously, their reputations are at stake. And reputation is academic currency. Let's reward their effort to work with the paranormal, by first respecting their time.

We would be honored to display your research Deliverables, for thoughtful review in the Methodology Forums (and for addition into the Paranormal Library) after a preliminary review. If necessary, we can help with format and other aspects of the scientific method, to address common criticisms. We want skeptics to concentrate on the difficult questions, not waste time correcting rookie maneuvers.

If you already have an abstract and results summary, please include. If you have a series of books, would you be interested in creating any white papers on your topic? If you have neither, but still have research to add, please check out APP-102 Intro to Academics. (TBA - Autumn 2021) Video components can be added later for the public, or as attached to papers/articles as evidentiary sources. Expert contributions must be primarily text-based for peer review.

If there's a particular category of the paranormal for which you'd like to contribute research, drop us an email at

APP - Bringing More Science to the Paranormal

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